We Hire (2 Positions): Software Engineer, Software Architect and/or Product Owner / Manager

The Mr. DLib team, as part of the ADAPT Centre and Trinity College Dublin, has received funding to hire 2 employees for 2 years to spin-out a business start-up in the field of recommendations-as-a-service and machine learning. The two positions are to be filled with one software architect / product manager and one software engineer, […]

Mr. DLib v1.2.1 released: Improved keyphrase extraction and Apache Lucene query handling

The new version of Mr. DLib completes 104 issues. The most notable ones are: We improved the keyphrase extraction, i.e. keyphrases are no stored differently in Lucene. We expect a better recommendation effectiveness and are currently running an A/B test. More robust path encoding for search queries (special characters in a URL caused errors) Lucene’s eDismax function […]

RARD: The Related-Article Recommendation Dataset

We are proud to announce the release of ‘RARD’, the related-article recommendation dataset from the digital library Sowiport and the recommendation-as-a-service provider Mr. DLib. The dataset contains information about 57.4 million recommendations that were displayed to the users of Sowiport. Information includes details on which recommendation approaches were used (e.g. content-based filtering, stereotype, most popular), what […]

Mr. DLib 1.2 released: JabRef integration completed; CORE Recommendation API connected

There are two major news coming along with the new version of Mr. DLib’s Recommendation API. JabRef finally uses Mr. DLib for it’s recommender system We have announced this already a while ago, but now, finally, Mr. DLib’s recommendations are available in one of the most popular open-source reference managers, i.e. JabRef. Currently, Mr. DLib […]

Several new publications: Mr. DLib, Lessons Learned, Choice Overload, Bibliometrics (Mendeley Readership Statistics), Apache Lucene, CC-IDF, TF-IDuF

In the past few weeks, we published (or received acceptance notices for) a number of papers related to Mr. DLib, research-paper recommender systems, and recommendations-as-a-service.  Here is the list: Beel, Joeran, Bela Gipp, and Akiko Aizawa. “Mr. DLib: Recommendations-as-a-Service (RaaS) for Academia.” In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2017. Beel, Joeran. “Real-World […]