RARD: The Related-Article Recommendation Dataset

We are proud to announce the release of ‘RARD’, the related-article recommendation dataset from the digital library Sowiport and the recommendation-as-a-service provider Mr. DLib. The dataset contains information about 57.4 million recommendations that were displayed to the users of Sowiport. Information includes details on which recommendation approaches were used (e.g. content-based filtering, stereotype, most popular), what […]

Several new publications: Mr. DLib, Lessons Learned, Choice Overload, Bibliometrics (Mendeley Readership Statistics), Apache Lucene, CC-IDF, TF-IDuF

In the past few weeks, we published (or received acceptance notices for) a number of papers related to Mr. DLib, research-paper recommender systems, and recommendations-as-a-service.  Here is the list: Beel, Joeran, Bela Gipp, and Akiko Aizawa. “Mr. DLib: Recommendations-as-a-Service (RaaS) for Academia.” In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2017. Beel, Joeran. “Real-World […]

Paper accepted at ISI conference in Berlin: “Stereotype and Most-Popular Recommendations in the Digital Library Sowiport”

Our paper titled “Stereotype and Most-Popular Recommendations in the Digital Library Sowiport” is accepted for publication at the 15th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI) in Berlin. Abstract: Stereotype and most-popular recommendations are widely neglected in the research-paper recommender-system and digital-library community. In other domains such as movie recommendations and hotel search, however, these recommendation approaches […]

Two of our papers about citation and term-weighting schemes got accepted at iConference 2017

Two of our papers about weighting citations and terms in the context of user modeling got accepted at the iConference 2017. Here are the abstracts, and links to the pre-print versions: Evaluating the CC-IDF citation-weighting scheme: How effectively can ‘Inverse Document Frequency’ (IDF) be applied to references? In the domain of academic search engines and research-paper […]

Enhanced re-ranking of our recommendations based on Mendeley’s readership statistics

Content-based filtering suffers from the problem that no human quality assessments are taken into account. This means, a poorly written paper ppoor would be considered equally relevant for a given input paper pinput as high-quality paper pquality if pquality and ppoor contain the same words. We elevate for this problem by using Mendeley’s readership data for re-ranking Mr. DLib’s […]