V2 of Mr. DLib’s Recommender System As-a-Service is now available
The first beta version of Mr. DLib V2 has been released and is performing very well so far. With our partner JabRef, we have delivered over 70 thousand sets of recommendations.
The first beta version of Mr. DLib V2 has been released and is performing very well so far. With our partner JabRef, we have delivered over 70 thousand sets of recommendations.
The new version of Mr. DLib completes 104 issues. The most notable ones are: We improved the keyphrase extraction, i.e. keyphrases are no stored differently in Lucene. We expect a better recommendation effectiveness and are currently running an A/B test. More robust path encoding for search queries (special characters in a URL caused errors) Lucene’s eDismax function […]
We are proud to announce the release of ‘RARD’, the related-article recommendation dataset from the digital library Sowiport and the recommendation-as-a-service provider Mr. DLib. The dataset contains information about 57.4 million recommendations that were displayed to the users of Sowiport. Information includes details on which recommendation approaches were used (e.g. content-based filtering, stereotype, most popular), what […]
There are two major news coming along with the new version of Mr. DLib’s Recommendation API. JabRef finally uses Mr. DLib for it’s recommender system We have announced this already a while ago, but now, finally, Mr. DLib’s recommendations are available in one of the most popular open-source reference managers, i.e. JabRef. Currently, Mr. DLib […]
Six month ago, we launched Mr. DLib’s recommendations-as-a-service for Academia. Time, to look back and provide some numbers: Since September 2016, Mr. DLib has delivered 60,836,800 recommendations to our partner Sowiport, and Sowiport’s visitors users have clicked 91,545 of the recommendations. This equals on overall click-through rate (CTR) of 0.15%. The figure shows the number […]
We are proud to announce version 1.1 of Mr. DLib’s Recommender-System as-a-Service. The major new features are: A JavaScript Client to request recommendations from Mr. DLib. The JavaScript offers many advantages compared to a server-side processing of our recommendations. Among others, the main page will load faster while recommendations are requested in the background and a loading animation […]
A demonstration paper about the integration of Mr. DLib in JabRef is accepted for publication at ECIR 2017. We will update this post soon with more information and a pre-print.
Content-based filtering suffers from the problem that no human quality assessments are taken into account. This means, a poorly written paper ppoor would be considered equally relevant for a given input paper pinput as high-quality paper pquality if pquality and ppoor contain the same words. We elevate for this problem by using Mendeley’s readership data for re-ranking Mr. DLib’s […]
We are glad to announce that JabRef – one of the most popular open-source reference manager – will soon be using Mr. DLib to provide recommendatins to its users. The team of Mr. DLib and JabRef had several Skype calls, and we finally agreed about a concept how to integrate Mr. DLib into JabRef. In a first […]
Our servers are now monitored by UptimeRobot, a free monitoring service. You can access all our server statuses at this URL https://stats.uptimerobot.com/WLL5PUjN6 and you will see a dashboard like this: A click on one of the server names will show you more details, e.g. https://stats.uptimerobot.com/WLL5PUjN6/778037437