The new version of Mr. DLib completes 104 issues. The most notable ones are:

  • We improved the keyphrase extraction, i.e. keyphrases are no stored differently in Lucene. We expect a better recommendation effectiveness and are currently running an A/B test.
  • More robust path encoding for search queries (special characters in a URL caused errors)
  • Lucene’s eDismax function is A/B tested (together with Lucene’s standard query parser)
  • Improved queries for CORE recommender (their system needs queries to be of a certain length; Mr. DLib now just multiplies the queries until they are at least 50 characters)
  • Abstracts and keywords in the XML response of Mr. DLib are enclosed in <![CDATA[
  • HTML Snippet is improved (better layout for recommendations in JabRef), i.e. spaces were added, and “NULL” elements are not shown anymore
  • For both queries and Lucene indexes, only lowercase is used (previously, we used cases inconsistently, i.e. not all documents were considered for recommendations)


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